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Unissense-Africa Launch the Biggest B2B2C in Africa for FDI & Trade Belt & Road Co-op
Mr. Hari Bhuva CEO Pioneer & Founder of Unissense Africa
NAIROBI , KENYA, March 6, 2019 / — Over the last 14 years or thereabout, the bilateral relations between the People's Republic of China (PRC) and Africa (as a whole) have grown significantly. However, weak commodity prices since 2014 have greatly impacted the value of African exports to China, even while the Chinese exports to Africa remained steady.
E-commerce in Africa has struggled for years due to many reasons; the basic Africa problems are poverty, illiteracy, lack of Internet access, and in places where all of these problems have been contained, LOGISTICS is a major problem.
The good thing is that times are fast changing and the Africa rising story isn’t entirely false, we can only say that growth isn’t at the same pace.
The emergence of “Unissense Africa” with its cutting-edge technology could be the solution that all consumers, organizations need to solve the daily needs of the Africans and the world at large. Based on the Interview with “MR. HARI BHUVA” CEO Pioneer & Founder of Unissense Africa, we were able to get some enclosed information about the company and its services.
Amazingly, “Unissense Africa –” seems to be unique with their mode of operations as compared to other e-commerce platforms with limited services. “Unissense Africa” seems to offer much more than just buying and selling. They aim to build the largest e-commerce platform in Africa which creates connections and trade with cutting edge innovations that would enhance the growth and sustainability of every organization, entrepreneurs, SME’s and lot more…
Unissense Africa takes a deep consideration on how fast international e-commerce is growing as advancing technologies help reduce problems associated with international payments, long shipping times and language barriers – making it possible to shop online anywhere and everywhere.
To succeed in creating a platform that would bring about sustainability and growth of the economy, Unissense Africa collaborates with “People's Republic of China (PRC)” which opens a channel of alignment of the belt and road Initiative, bringing about developmental strategies and more opportunity for the growth of Africans, as China remains a key stakeholder for cross-border e-commerce. This will also aid the flow of resources and business cooperation to expand in Africa, deepening the collaboration of (People's Republic of China (PRC) – Africa) and also encouraging Chinese companies to expand their businesses in Africa, supporting Africa’s efforts to largely achieve. Based on “Statista” about a third of the continent spends between $4 to $20 a day online—a group that is expected to grow to 42% by 2060. “Unissense Africa” seems to be ready to leverage and emerge by building a cross border marketplace that brings value for the money spent by people, bringing a tie with suppliers, dealers, entrepreneurs and SME’s etc. to experience a seamless business and marketing.
Unissense Africa aims to become an online world network evolution cross border international trade marketplace. This cutting – edge marketplace is incorporated with the 5th and 6th Generation AI – Artificial Intelligence and Nano Technology, Self-learning machinery with the integration of applications in Household Products, Healthcare, and Medical Industries making our world today smooth and efficient with the aid of energy-saving and eco-friendly products and services. This marketplace offers varieties of products and services, conjoint with various organizations creating new brands. Amazingly, it may interest you to know that this marketplace also offers intensive marketing and advertising for the effectiveness and efficiency of every brand. They use advanced research techniques and cutting-edge technology in providing solutions to the day-to-day needs of the target audience.
The most interesting part is that “Unissense Africa –” conjoint with government bodies from the People's Republic of China (PRC) which ensures products and logistic services for transactions made via the portal are verified and successful using their payment gateway systems making their system safe, effective, efficient with seamless operations worldwide.
“UNISSENSE GOT SME’S ALL COVERED”. This marketplace also focuses on SME’s which enhances their ability of exposure, logistics and sales skills to the highest level, offering multiple channels for Manufactures, Trade Buyers, Distribution, and Wholesalers. Surprisingly, there hasn’t been any company considering the growth of SME’s with so much work-flow like “Unissense Africa”. Their support will create cross borders for corporations to expand and invest in building the peoples future.
Furthermore, “Unissense Africa” has an important organization that represents quality control in international cross borders bridge platform, website base and mobile application trading products and services using the internet marketplace, enhancing many possibilities for clients to expand in their business sectors and create an overseas supply chain in entire Africa. This provides a comprehensive solution to the entire Africa synchronization lifestyle.
“Unissense Africa” also provides effective teaching to online e-commerce to the African public to engage a better understanding of online trading. This will be an added advantage for entrepreneurs and freelancers to take part in the educational add-on systems, creating growth to SME’s.
With all said, if you are a Startup, a dealer or carrying on a business platform, Unissense Africa would be the best platform that fits your business needs, allowing you to easily purchase tens of thousands of foreign brand products and sell OEM innovative products from People's Republic of China (PRC) and many other countries.
Also, if you are an overseas supplier, trying to participate in the world's largest e-commerce market, Unissense Africa could be the right solution that fits your business needs.
Mr. Hari Bhuva a Leader of Commerce and mentor with many years of experience in areas of system development and combined experience in E-commerce, Artificial technology process and development industry along with Mr. Dave Wong COO of Trade Operations and Marketing Organisations with more than 10 years of experience & Mr. Allan Huang Project Director of International Trade and Sourcing has made major contributions in the field through research and development of exceptional products.
+44 20 3608 0033
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